In Memoriam: Twitch (11/06/2011)
July 4, 2022
In Memoriam: Buddy (06/28/2010)
July 4, 2022Fostering kittens can be a joy or a nightmare if something goes wrong. Dayna caught Panleukopenia two days before her kittens did. They were all exposed at the same time, so there is no other explaining how she got sick first other than a miracle. Because Dayna was full-grown, she fought the illness off quickly and easily. Then her kittens got sick. They were too small for me to treat effectively with fluids and medication. I was sure they were doomed. But Dayna now had enough antibodies against Panleukopenia to pass on through nursing. Despite Dayna’s efforts and mine, Evan refused to nurse. He passed away the next day, and it just about broke his mom’s heart. The other three quickly recovered, with their mom’s care being their only treatment. Gwen was the only one affected with a slight head wobble. Everyone went to an adoption agency to find perfect homes for them, except for Semaj. He won the hearts of a wonderful family who I am proud to call my friends. He enjoyed a full life of running and wrestling with “his” dogs, hunting house flies, being the life of the party when company came over, and the privilege of every night getting to snuggle under the covers and be held close by a girl who loved him with her whole heart. He was very confident, outgoing, loving, and got into everything. Life was a party for him. He passed away suddenly and unrepentantly at the age of 3, having enjoyed more life than most cats who live to be 18. We are glad you are with your brother, Semaj. But we can hardly wait to see you again.